Playing for the shirt

Rebrand and website for Kudos Sportswear

In recent years, the team sportswear market has become increasingly competitive and price sensitive. Kudos Sportswear needed a game-changing rebrand, and a new website that connected with players and converted customers.

Brand: from commodity to camaraderie

Row-A repositioned Kudos from catalogue-style commodity suppliers to a credible, knowledgeable sports brand.

But simply replicating mainstream sports brands – becoming a NikeLite – wouldn’t cut it. We wanted to create a new grassroots sports brand, a brand that was as accessible as it was aspirational, a brand that captured the spirit and camaraderie of amateur sport.

So we went to local sports clubs across the UK to photograph Kudos high-tech sportswear in action, in real life, on real people – people who really do play for the shirt – capturing the essence of the new brand identity: built for performance, worn with pride.

Website: team tactics

A new website combined the passion of the brand with practical bespoke functionality, created to guide amateur-team managers and designated designers through the kit building – and buying – process.

With over 30 sports, 40 materials and over 320 design permutations, the Kudos kit builder – with online design tips – enables users to match materials suited to their specific needs and get as hands-on in the design process as they choose. With a huge increase in conversions, it’s proving to be a winning formula.

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